Edenderry RFC

Founded 1951


Club Constitution

Approved at an Annual General Meeting on the 27th May 2011
Note: If you would like to receive a PDF copy of the Club Constitution, please email honsec.erfc@gmail.com

Rule 1 - Definitions
In these rules the following definitions and interpretations shall apply:
“AGM” shall mean the Annual General Meeting of the Club “Ballot” shall mean a secret ballot (unless where otherwise stated in these  Rules)
“The Committee” shall mean the executive committee
“The Club” shall mean Edenderry Rugby Football Club
“Club Officers” shall mean the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chairperson elected at the AGM .
“Club Year” shall mean from the AGM in any one year to the AGM in the following year
“Financial Year” shall mean the 12 month period ending on the 30th April in any year
“Membership Year” shall mean the 12 month period ending on the 31st May in any year
“Youth Members” shall mean registered members of the Club Youth section
“Student Members” shall mean any person in full-time education who is not eligible for the youth
Words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender and vice versa .
Words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa .

Rule 2 Name, Objects and Registered Address
The name of the Club shall be Edenderry Rugby Club and shall consist of the members of the different categories contained in the rules . The objects of the Club will be to play and promote the game of Rugby Football and the Club shall operate according to the Rules of the Irish Rugby Football Union and Irish Women’s Rugby Football Union and shall be an affiliated member of the Leinster Branch of the I .R .F .U . The registered address of the Club is Coolavacoose, Carbury, Co . Kildare .

Rule 3 Club Colours
The colours of the Club are blue and white jerseys, navy shorts and blue and white stockings .

Rule 4 Trustees
a) The property of the Club shall be vested in the Trustees. The number of such Trustees shall be no more than three and not less than two . The Trustees shall be subjected to the limitations and duties defined in Rule 4 (b).
b) The Trustees may from time to time invest any funds of the Club in their names in suitable investments, not necessarily in Trustee securities, and hold such investments solely for the furtherance of Rugby Football in Edenderry Rugby Football Club .
c) Subject to (d) of this rule, any deed, document, act or thing signed, executed or done by the Trustees on behalf of the Club shall be binding on the Club which said act was authorised by a resolution of the Executive Committee of the Club, of which resolution an entry in the minute book and signed by the Chairperson shall be conclusive evidence of such authorisation .
d) The Trustees may from time to time, with the sanction of a the manner hereinafter provided by the Rule, do all or any of the following acts or things, that is to say: sell, exchange, partition, lease, let, borrow, mortgage, charge or otherwise dispose or deal with any property of the Club (whether the same be real or personal) for the time being vested in the Trustees or purchase by way of lease or otherwise such property, real and personal, as may be necessary for the purpose of the Club . The authority of the trustees to borrow shall be given by the members in General meeting . A certificate signed by the Chairperson of the Meeting
at which any resolution referred to in this Rule has been passed shall be conclusive evidence of the passing of such resolution in the manner provided for in this Rule and of the terms of such resolution, such certificate to be completed by the Chairperson before the conclusion of the Meeting .
e) The Trustees shall remain in office until death or resignation or until a meeting of the Executive Committee shall think it proper to remove them or any of them . No personal liability shall attach to any Trustee except to the extent of such funds of the Club as may actually be received by him, or over which he has personal control.
f) In case of a vacancy in the office of trustee the Committee shall by resolution appoint a new Trustee to fill such vacancy, such appointment to be confirmed by the members at the next General Meeting . The surviving or continuing trustees shall have power not withstanding any vacancy in number of number of Trustees .

Rule 5 Management of the Club
a) The business affairs of the Club and the management of the Club’s property shall be managed by the Executive Committee consisting of the officers of the Club, namely, the President, the Chairperson, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, the Public Relations Officer, the Midland League representative, the Chairperson of the  Rugby Committee and the Chairperson of the Social Committee . One member may chair more than one Subcommittee . Ex-officio members may chair more than one Sub-committee . Ex-officio members may chair Sub Committees . The officers and other executive members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting by ballot or as soon as possible thereafter .  In the case of an equality of votes of all or any of the places on the Executive Committee, shall go for a second ballot, and in the event of equality again the matter shall be decided by lot . All officers shall resign their post save for the Trustees and be eligible for re-election . The Chairperson or in the Chairperson’s absence, the President shall chair the Executive Committee meetings, the AGM or any Special General Meetings .  If the Chairperson or President are not present the Executive may appoint a Chairperson .  The Chairperson shall have a casting vote in addition to his ordinary vote . Five members shall form a quorum . 
b) The Executive Committee will meet at least once every calendar month .
c) The Executive Committee has the power to co-opt three ordinary members during the course of the club year to the Executive Committee and also to fill any vacancies which arise during the year .

Rule 6 Sub Committees
a) The Executive Committee must appoint the following Sub-Committees, Rugby Committee, Social Committee, Administration Committee (Chaired by Hon Secretary), Finance Committee (Chaired by Hon . Treasurer), Promotion and Marketing Committee (Chaired by PRO) and Chairperson’s Committee (Volunteer Recruitment/Grounds/Pavilion etc .) which is Chaired by the Club Chairperson .
b) The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint any additional Sub-Committee during the course of the club year that it feels is necessary for the ongoing development of the Club .
c) The Executive Committee may appoint a Chairperson on each of the above Sub-Committees . It is duty of the Chairperson to organise the activities of the Sub-Committee . The Chairperson’s of the above Sub-Committees must elect a Vice Chairperson to act in the absence of the Chairperson . The Executive Committee has power to alter decisions of all Sub-Committees .

Rule 7 Committee Membership Conditions
Only paid up members at the date of the last Annual General Meeting or any new member who is fully paid up and approved by the Executive Committee may become a member of any of the above Executive Committees .
Rule 8 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 31st May in each year on a date to be fixed by the Executive Committee . Each member who is entitled to attend and vote must receive fourteen days notice in writing of the Annual General Meeting and/or by notice appearing in a newspaper circulating in the locality . Fifteen members shall form a quorum at an Annual General Meeting

Rule 9 Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Honorary Secretary when so requested by the Executive Committee or upon a requisition (in writing) setting out the reasons why such a meeting is required signed by at least ten members of the Club .  At least seven days notice in writing and/or by notice appearing in a newspaper circulating in the locality shall be given by the Honorary Secretary to each member setting out the business of such meeting at which twenty five members shall form a quorum .

Rule 10 Subscriptions
a) All subscriptions shall be payable on or before the 31st October of each season . Any person whose subscription is in arrears on the 31st of May in each season automatically ceases to be a member of the Club .  The amount of each subscription and the categories thereof shall be determined by the incoming Executive .
b) The Executive Committee shall have the power to add an administration fee to the subscription to be paid by all members .

Rule 11 Admission of Members
a) The Club shall consist of Honorary Life Members, paid up Life Members, Playing Members, Non-Playing Members, Pavilion Members, Student Members, Youth Members and Social Members .
b) Honorary Life Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting by ballot with two thirds majority and shall be persons who, in the opinion of the members, have rendered special service to the Club . Written notice of such proposed election must be given to the Honorary Secretary at least seven days before the AGM
c) The mode of election of Playing, Pavilion, Non-Playing and New Life Members shall be by way of notice or list to the executive Committee by the treasurer that the appropriate subscription has been paid, and be proposed, seconded and elected by a majority vote of the Executive Committee members present at the meeting and be read into the minutes of the meeting .
d) A person shall be elected as Social Member on the payment of the appropriate subscription, and, signing the Register at the entrance of the Club on designated social occasions, i.e. discos .
e) Pavilion Members, Students Members, Youth Members and Social Members shall not be entitled to vote or attend all Meetings or otherwise take part in the management of the Club or sign a requisition under Rule 9 .
f) Social Members shall be entitled to use the facilities of the Club on designated social occasions subject to the provisions of these Rules .

Rule 12 Financial Accounts
a) Accounts of the Club shall be made up to the 30th April of each year.  These accounts shall be audited by the Auditor elected at the Annual General Meeting .  The audited accounts shall be presented to the members at the Annual General meeting each year .
b) All cheques must carry two signatures of nominated members of the Executive Committee, one of whom must be the Honorary Treasurer .
c) The Honorary Treasurer shall be an Ex-Officio member of any Sub-Committee involving the Club in any expenditure or revenue .

Rule 13 Club Captain/Previous Year President
a) The Club Captain shall be appointed by the Adult Rugby Committee which will then be ratified by the Executive prior to the first competitive Leinster League game .Persons appointed as Club Captain shall become an Ex-Officio member of the Executive Committee .  The outgoing President for the year prior to the last AGM shall be an Ex-Officio member of the Committee for the period up to the next AGM .
b) All Adult Team Captains to be selected by the Adult Rugby Coordinator, Adult Team managers and Adult
Team Selectors .

Rule 14 Resignation of Members
Any member wishing to resign from the Club shall inform the Honorary Secretary of his intention to do so in writing .

Rule 15 Liability of Members
The Liability of Members shall be limited to the amount of the subscription .

Rule 16 Expulsion/Suspension of Members
The Executive Committee shall have power to expel or suspend any member whose conduct they consider to be detrimental to the interests of the Club .  Upon expulsion, the member in question shall immediately cease to be a member of the club and shall forfeit all rights to or claim upon the Club or its property .  Any member who is expelled has a right to appeal to the Executive Committee and to its property .  Any member who is expelled has the right to appeal to the Executive Committee through Extraordinary General Meeting (Reference Rule 9) .

Rule 17 Alteration to Rules
These Rules shall not be altered in any way except at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose and then two thirds majority vote of the members present and entitled to vote .A notice convening such meeting shall set out details of the proposed additions or amendments to the rules of Edenderry Rugby Football Club .  The Executive Committee, however,
may alter or add to the Rules for the purpose of complying with the provisions of the Registration amending same .Notice of amendment or Alteration of any of these Rules or any proposal touching the General Management of the Club shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary at least fourteen days before the General Meeting at which such amendment alterations or proposal is intended to be brought forward .

Rule 18 Duty of Playing Members
Any member selected to play in a Club match who is unable to do so must, as far as possible, endeavour to give the coach or manager at least three days notice so that he may be able to appoint a substitute .

Rule 19 Registration of Clubs Acts Excisable Hours
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 56 of Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1927, as amended by Section 6 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1960 and as further amended by Section 6 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act 1962 and any further amendments, no excisable liquor shall be supplied for the consumption on Club premises to any person (other than a member of the Club, lodging in the Club premises) or be consumed on the Club premises by any person other than a member of the Club lodging in the Club premises,
(a)  On any weekday before the hour of 10 .30pm or (i) during a period of Summertime after the hour of 11 . (ii) during a period which is not a period of Summertime after the hour of 11 .00pm .
(b) On St Patrick’s Day or any Sunday before the hours of 12 .30pm or after 11pm .
(c) At any time on Christmas Day or Good Friday, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Rule excisable liquor may be supplied for consumption on the premises to any person or may be consumed on the Club premises by any person .
(d) On any weekday during the period of Summertime between the hours of 11 .30 pm and 12 .30 pm on the
following day,
(e)  or during a period which is not a period of Summertime between hours of 11 .30 pm and 12 .30 pm on the
following day .
(f) On Christmas Day in each case excisable liquor is: (i) Ordered by the person at the same time as a substantial meal as defined in Section 9 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act 1962, is ordered by him, (ii) Consumed at the same time as and with the meal (iii) Supplied and consumed in the portion of the Club
premises usually set aside for the supplying of meals and(iv) Paid for at the same time as the meal is paid for .(g) PROVIDED ALWAYS these Rules shall not preclude the Club from serving excisable liquor at other hours
for which an exemption order has been granted by the District Justice .
(h) No excisable liquors shall be sold or supplied for consumption outside the Club premises to any members
except during the hours of opening of the Club premises specified in this Rule and no excisable shall be sold on the Club premises to any person under the age of 18 years . 

Rule 20
No member of the Executive Committee and no Manager or servant employed in the Club shall have any personal interest in the sale of excisable liquor therein or in profits arising from such sale .

Rule 21
Visitors shall not be supplied with excisable liquor on the Club premises unless on the invitation of and in the company of a member and the member shall upon the admission of the visitors of the Club premises or immediately upon  such member being supplied which such liquor enter his own name and the name of the visitor and his address in the book which shall be kept of the purpose of which shall show the date of his visit .

Rule 22
Referees and Members and Supporters and Officers of visiting Clubs who participate in sporting events against the Club, or at the Club’s invitation, or in tournaments organised by the Club shall be deemed to be members of the Club for the duration of their visit without payment of subscription .

Rule 23
No person shall be elected a temporary member of the Club save in accordance with these Rules .

Rule 24
Save as provided by the Rules no person shall be allowed to become temporary members of the Club or be received of the payment of the regular subscription

Rule 25
Minutes shall be made in proper books of all Executive Committee, Sub-Committee Meetings, and Annual
General Meeting and be signed by the Chairperson .

Rule 26
The Executive Committee will elect delegates to represent the Club on regional Committees of the Leinster branch Irish Rugby Football Union  and Irish Women’s Rugby Football Union .

Rule 27
The Club shall be authorised to hold dances, card drives and other social functions in the Club Pavilion at the
discretion of the Committee . Attendance of persons other than club members such functions shall be by
invitation of the Members .  The Committee shall fix admission charges etc .  Such invited persons paying
admission charges must comply with the regulations laid down in Rule 21 regarding the signing of the Visitors
Book .

Rule 28
(a)  The Committee may alter or add to the Rules for the Purpose of the complying with the provisions of the
Registration of Clubs (Ireland Act 1904, or any Act which may be passed amending same .
(b)  But (except for the purpose aforesaid) no Rule of the Club shall be repealed or altered or new rules made,
except at a General Meeting .

Rule 29
In case any questions should arise as to the interpretation of these Rules and Regulations the same shall be decided by the Committee .

Rule 30 Deemed Notice
No member shall be absolved for the effect of these rules, or any bye-laws or regulations of the Club on the
ground that he was not supplied with a copy of or had no notice of the same .

Rule 31
 (a) There shall be a Selection Committee which shall select all senior teams, it shall consist of three non-playing Members together with the Coach and Captain of the teams being selected and shall be appointed by the incoming Executive .
 (b) The Coach of each Senior Team shall be appointed by the incoming Executive Committee in consultation
with relevant Captains .
 (c) There shall be a Selection Committee in relation to all underage Teams to determine the requirements of each underage team as numbers determine .  Such Committee shall be appointed by the Executive and be responsible to the Executive .
Rule 32  
 The Executive Committee shall appoint a Disciplinary Committee who will determine the Code of Conduct as it deems fit and determine any issues that may arise during the course of the season and deal with them as
seems appropriate and shall report back to the Executive Committee .  Each member of the Club so long as they continue to be a member thereof is bound by the Code of Conduct of the Club and the Rules thereof .

 Rule 33  I.R.F.U.
Each member of the Club, so long as he continues to be a member thereof, is bound by the Rules of the 
I .R .F.U 

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